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PowerShell + SCCM : Get Resource Collection Membership

Recently at our PowerShell Bangalore User group, we had fun participating in a one day PowerShell + ConfigMgr Hackathon event. Where we had a bunch of ConfigMgr admins worked on using Azure to deploy a full fledged ConfigMgr Lab, also we had fun interacting with each other.

Below pic was the theme for the event, says it all ;)

My friend Harjit  suggested few ideas for the Hackathon. Below is one of the ideas:

"Script that can tell me which collections a particular system or several Systems belong to"

The Final Script is available @Technet for Download 


Credits - There is a post by MVP David O'Brien (link in Resource section) which served as a base for my function. The final Function does the following :
  • Fetches the Collection the Resource (Device/User) is member of.
  • Uses WQL Queries to enhance the performance.
  • For the User resource type, it does a WildCard search  .
Also I took my first shot at writing the Pester tests for the Function. Getting the hang of writing unit tests now.

Usage : 

After dot sourcing the Script, you can invoke the Function to either get the information about a Device or User. 
Get-ResourceCollectionMemberhip -Name dexterposh -ComputerName dexsccm -ResourceType User 

    Name                                          ResourceType                                  CollectionName                               CollectionID                                
    ----                                          ------------                                  --------------                               ------------                                
    dexterposh                                    User                                          TestUserCollection                           DEX00032                                    
    dexterposh                                    User                                          All Users                                    SMS00002                                    
    dexterposh                                    User                                          All Users and User Groups                    SMS00004  

If you want the Collection Membership (Name & CollectionID ) of the User Resource then invoke the function like below:

Get-ResourceCollectionMemberhip -Name dexchef -ComputerName dexsccm  

    Name                                          ResourceType                                  CollectionName                               CollectionID                                
    ----                                          ------------                                  --------------                               ------------                                
    dexchef                                       Device                                        Server2012                                   DEX00038                                    
    dexchef                                       Device                                        Server2008                                   DEX00039                                    
    dexchef                                       Device                                        All Systems                                  SMS00001                                    
    dexchef                                       Device                                        All Desktop and Server Clients               SMSDM003 

Below is the GIF showing the above in action :

Resources :

How to find ConfigMgr Collection Membership of client using PowerShell

How to enumerate members of a collection

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