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Showing posts from October, 2019

Az DevOps CLI - Fetch all Pull Requests assigned to a user

I wrote a sample PowerShell code snippet to crawl across all opened Pull requests in multiple repositories inside an Azure DevOps project and list the ones out where myself or the team/group I am part of assigned as a reviewer. End result is this:

Az DevOps CLI : Query Release(s) definition for a Task status

Someone, asked me at work if I could generate a list of Release pipelines definitions which did not have a specific task ( AzSK SVT task ) missing or disabled. This was more for an internal audit purpose and can definitely be built upon. I recently read that Az CLI got an extension support for Az DevOps . Please read on the GitHub repository on how to install this extension for Az CLI. Time to put this to try. Below gist describes the steps I used in pwsh (PowerShell Core) with Az CLI & DevOps extension installed. The above script should be self explanatory (read the comments). Please leave a comment if you have any queries.