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Showing posts from October, 2012

Deploying AD Domain using PowerShell + Completing LAB Setup

I would like to divide this post in two parts : 1. Deploying a domain on my Server Core . 2. Adding my Physical Host running Server 2012 to the domain Step 1. Deploying domain on my Server Core. First of all I need to add the Active Directory Domain Services role in my Server Core. To get the Active Directory Roles on my Server Core use the following cmdlet The highlighted entry shows that the AD-Domain-Services Role is already installed on my Server Core. But if it is not then you can issue the following to install it. Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools Now the role is installed and till Server 2K8 R2 , one would have gone and run the dcpromo.exe (this one is deprecated now with Server 2012) but here I will try to use PowerShell ..this is the link I followed Windows Server 2012 has a new module named " ADDSDeployment" and if I check the cmdlets supplied:   You get the idea...Now...

Assigning Static IP Address to the Server Core

Now for the first time you boot a Server get nothing but a Command Shell (cmd.exe). Now before we begin further let's assign a static IP address to the Server Core VM. REMINDER : My Lab has server named "DexterPOSH" Server 2012( on Physical Host) and then in Hyper-V a VM named "dexservercore" running Server Core 2012. Open "Hyper-V Manager" and Right-Click and "Connect" to the VM (start it if it is not started yet) There are actually three ways to do this..You may be familiar with all three maybe but I wanted to list all the ways to do this. 1. Using Netsh utility - this one is old school But this one is depreciated see the screenshot below..It's recommending PowerShell ( will cover it in 3rd step) anyways to set the IP address..first get your interface by using : Now I have the interface with me...Time to set the IP address (old school) Okey done. 2 . Using Sconfig utility - Server 2K8 R2...

Server 2012 and Server Core...New Plan

I am taking this new initiative to learn Server 2012 along with Server Core..... Lab Setup: I have VHD booted Server 2012 with full blown GUI on my Physical Machine (Name - DexterPOSH). Then I have enabled the Hyper-V role on my this machine and installed a Server Core 2012 on a VM created in the Hyper-V (Name - DexServercore). Along doing this Lab Setup, I came to learn cool things and I want to share them: Step 1 : Download the trial Server 2012 iso. Step 2 : I have a Windows 7 box , so to test the Server 2012 I am going to VHD Boot the Server 2012 for 180 days (license period) then delete the VHD and the boot entry. Here is a great article on how to do this for Windows 8 but the steps are the same for Server 2012 too. Step3 : Once you have VHD Booted your machine to Server 2012. Open our favorite PowerShell console and run the following to install Hyper-V role on the host  Get-WindowsFeature -name *hyper* | Install-WindowsFeature Reboot your machine to complete ...

Resuming Blogging...

I was busy learning PowerShell and attending PowerShell events in India. Now, I am a member of New Delhi PowerShell User Group and Bangalore PowerShell User Group. I blogged occasionally for New Delhi PowerShell UG on Citrix and PowerShell . Just to get a hint of my inactivity on this blog....... I think I am back for good now.....