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Showing posts from November, 2016

Gotcha with Puppet Windows client

Making a quick note to document the version gotcha encountered while running puppet client on Windows. I downloaded the latest and greatest available version of the puppet client on a Windows Server 2012 R2 box, but when running the puppet agent for the first time interactively to generate the certificate request to the puppet master server it blew up with below error message. Quickest way to get the puppet binaries all accessible is " Start Command Prompt with Puppet " shortcut. Once in the cmd prompt, run puppet_interactive. This will run the puppet agent on demand and when run for the first time issue a certificate request to the puppet master to sign. But this threw up the below error : Error: Could not request certificate: Error 400 on SERVER: The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not 'puppet-ca'

Vagrant using Hyper-V

I have been looking at learning puppet for a while now and to try it out, wanted to quickly deploy a puppet master & node (Ubuntu) on top of my Hyper-V host. Below are the quick & easy steps I followed mostly for my own reference (n00b alert) : Enable Hyper-V on the node, this goes without saying :) (reboot after this step). 001 002 003 004 #region enable Hyper-V                                                                         Add-WindowsFeature   -Name   Hyper-V   -IncludeAllSubFeature   -IncludeManagementTools #endregion Install Vagrant using chocolatey. 001 002 003 004 005 #region install vagrant Import-Module   PackageManagement                      ...