Recently my laptop got stolen and that gave me a push to build my lab on Azure. I tweeted this and got an awesome reply by Jim Christopher [PowerShell MVP] : Thanks to my friend Fenil Shah who lend me his laptop to try out Azure. Cheers to having awesome friends :) I thought it would be better if I put my notes as a post. These are entirely for my reference ;) The best posts around Azure + PowerShell are by Michael Washam which can be found on his blog here . My Action plan is to configure a ServerCore Server 2012 R2 machine running Active Directory for this post from scratch, I don't have anything right now on my azure account. Below are the steps: Sign Up for Azure (Free Trial is available) Install Azure PowerShell Module & Configure your subscription Create a Virtual Net for your LAB Deploy the VM Connecting to VM using PSRemoting Add a new Data Disk to VM Install ADDS and a new domain. Steps 1-3 are one time activity, next time ...
Infra + Dev's ramblings