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Showing posts from August, 2014

PowerShell + Azure : Deploy a DC

Recently my laptop got stolen and that gave me a push to build my lab on Azure. I tweeted this and got an awesome reply by Jim Christopher [PowerShell MVP] : Thanks to my friend Fenil Shah who lend me his laptop to try out Azure. Cheers to having awesome friends :) I thought it would be better if I put my notes as a post. These are entirely for my reference ;)  The best posts around Azure + PowerShell are by Michael Washam which can be found on his blog  here . My Action plan is to configure a ServerCore Server 2012 R2 machine running Active Directory for this post from scratch, I don't have anything right now on my azure account. Below are the steps: Sign Up for Azure (Free Trial is available) Install Azure PowerShell Module &  Configure your subscription Create a Virtual Net for your LAB Deploy the VM Connecting to VM using PSRemoting Add a new Data Disk to VM Install ADDS and a new domain. Steps 1-3 are one time activity, next time ...

upcoming speaking engagements

Recently started working at AirWatch by VMWare and been busy learning the new Mobile technologies.  Not been able to do much on the PowerShell and ConfigMgr side but I did few things in Azure with PowerShell (did build my LAB up there). So will be speaking on this very topic at the Microsoft Community Day event on 23rd August . Below is the eventbrite link to register Later in September will be speaking at the Microsoft Event on "Transforming the Datacenter" at Bangalore, India. Below is the link for that (limited seats): Also planning a few hangouts for the PowerShell Bangalore User Group to help new people embrace the Shell. :)